Should Your Child Wet Their Toothbrush Before Brushing?

It’s a fairly standard habit for many people: wetting a toothbrush before brushing teeth. Some may wet their toothbrush before and after putting the toothpaste on, while others only do the latter. Because these habits often form in childhood, we’ll look at what pediatric dentists have to say about the matter.

Do Toothpaste and Water Mix?

Believe it or not, there’s a lot of discussion about whether or not to wet your toothpaste. Some pediatric dentists in South Plainfield, NJ may say that it ultimately doesn’t matter. Others may caution against falling into this standard habit because it dilutes the toothpaste, which will ultimately dilute its capabilities. Plus, the wetter the toothpaste is, the foamier it will get, and the more likely you’ll end up spitting out the toothpaste before it can do its job.

Tips for Better Brushing

The bottom line is that your child is better off focusing on their everyday brushing habits than about a small amount of water on their toothbrush. If you’re going to instill better habits in them, arguably the very best time to introduce best practices, you should be focusing on brushing for around two minutes and hitting every quadrant with relatively equal pressure and coverage.

Find a Pediatric Dentist in South Plainfield, NJ

Pediatric dentists don’t just understand how kids’ gums and teeth develop, they understand that each child has a different perspective on their dental habits. When you work with a staff who understands children, it’s easier to anticipate the stumbling blocks ahead. If you want to work with a team that can help your child maintain their long-term oral health with routine dental cleanings in South Plainfield (and more!), contact Pediatrics on Park today!

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